Go to destinationnewry.com to see fixtures in the Pool section- upcoming fixtures are subject to change.
You need to check every week.
The entrance fee for teams is £125 and £5 per player. Captains will be responsible for the behaviour of all players they sign. If you think someone you are signing will not fully abide by the rules or their behaviour will bring your team into disrepute- do not sign them! This includes behaviour on match nights and in general. Detrimental comments against the Committee or the Pool League in general or derogatory comments or rude behaviour directed at committee members directly or on social media or WhatsApp groups are included.
Any disrespecting of trophies or prizes awarded or damaging of trophies etc.
The Committee reserve the right to raise money in one Competition to help finances prizes/costs for another.
All team members, starting with the Captains will face bans. If you find yourself in such groups, leave! THERE WILL BE ZERO TOLERANCE.
Committee are elected (volunteers)to run the League, set the rules and change the rules.
Players only role is to participate and follow the rules. If a player wishes to make the rules they need to join the Committee. Do not attack others for a job you did not volunteer to do!
To have a successful league this is paramount or the league would turn in to a free for all.
The Committee will always try to protect the League.
Questions around events (basic questions) or competition eg entry fee cost, prize and fixture information, venue etc can be asked professionally to the Secretary for clarification purposes (please check as competition information normally is posted on social media or players group etc) but must be done in a courteous way. Any questions around finance , rules or membership can be asked of the Treasurer at the AGM.
The Comittee will endeavour to display entrance fee and prizes beforehand. If a player does not want the prize they should not enter.
Certain Competitions are compulsary, like League and Cups. Penalties will be awarded for failure to field or participate.
Some players may be refused entry to the Newry Pool League - this will be decided by the Committee when all entry forms are returned. As per A.G.M's decision, a new discipline sub-committee will look at each name.
1. Teams are allowed to sign ten players before the league starts. Exceptions can be asked and be permitted by Committee. Committee reserved the right without explanation in refusing a player to join the Newry Pool League.
2. New signings are allowed up to the halfway point as long as the name of the signing is passed to a committee member (along with £10) by text or in a means that records the date and time. No transfers after the halfway point (or point set by committee), except in unique circumstances and agreed by the committee. If they are agreed a fee of £10 is to be paid. Once a player is registered they are that team's 'player' and cannot play for any other team. If a player wishes to transfer, they may do so with agreement from their captain. If a captain refuses an appeal can be made directly to the committee but a viable reason must be given.
if a player signs on more than one sheet, the Secretary may remove them from both sheets. In most cases, the team they first play for is 'their team'. Normal rules apply afterward.
3. Fines - All fines will be a minimum of twenty pounds. This must be paid within seven days of the fine being imposed. Any team who fails to pay their fine will be expelled from the league.
4. Starting time. All games must commence at 9:00 pm. Traveling teams who have a substantial distance - 9:15 pm Unless the Secretary posts a different start time. If a representative of the team is not present to declare at the time, then their opponents can claim a game for every 15 minutes they are late. To do this a card must be filled in and the table ready to go. A photo should be taken at 9:15 with the table and balls set and a photo of the card with the home side filled in. The same for every 15 minutes after. The other team Captain must be informed of any claimed games.
No photos, and no claimed games. Any team not turning up a minimum fine of £20 plus two missed matches may be removed at the committee's discretion.
5. All teams must have a clock and it must be used at all times. No clock, no match. As of 2023 20-minute rule no longer applies – the 1-minute rule must be applied. If the Committee finds out the minute rule was not implemented - loss of match.
6. Any team that allows a falsified result card to be returned will be fined and may be expelled from the league.
7. Friday at 6 pm is the deadline for all result cards to be sent by WhatsApp to the secretary... Teams who ignore this timetable will incur a fine of twenty pounds and a loss of points (no excuses). It is the responsibility of the winning team or, the home teams that draw, to upload the result card.
8. Any team or player wishing to protest must do so within 3 days following any match. Such protests must be accompanied by a fee of £20.00 {returned if successful}. A team that is found at fault by protest will lose and points gained will be awarded to opponents. The same rule will apply in cup matches and individuals.
9. In all games the referee’s decision is final, but a team can play under protest at an unfair refereeing decision. A protest text should be sent to the Secretary on the night and the other team informed that this has been done. Teams are asked to try everything to resolve differences on the night. Any refereeing decision questioned afterward but not protested correctly on the night will not be heard.
10. A sub can be used from any member of a team panel even if another named player is on the sheet (he/she can be substituted).
10a Premier League and First Division 23/24 season 12 games in the league: No player can play more than two games in the first six games. AAA PLAYERS can only play a maximum of 2 games individually and up to a maximum of six games collectively.
10b Second Division and Third Division League 23/24 season 10 games per league match. No player can play more than two games in the first five.
10c Blackball Rules apply with Newry League addons. Following a foul by their opponent, a player should ask the ref to lift or the other player, (this avoids any mistakes) however, if the player does not and lifts it themselves, it is not a foul.If a player stops the white or catches the white going down a pocket, this is different, and it interferes with play and is a foul.
11. Any player found guilty of misconduct at any match under league rules will be suspended from the league and his team will be fined. The same will apply to comments on social media. Captains will also be held responsible.
12. A team can refuse to play on a table that is not up to standards. Inform the committee immediately on noticing the table – if you don’t inform us before the start time of the match – you lose the points.
13. A game can only be canceled due to a death of someone related to a player or severe weather conditions. Any canceled game must be played within two weeks. Rearranged by team that canceled. Home advantage is lost.
14. Rearranged individual, pairs or cup matches must be played at the venue where it is drawn or face disqualification unless the Secretary specifically allows a different venue.
15. Any team who plays an unregistered player may be expelled from the league or points deducted.
16. If the Committee becomes aware of a situation whereby a player transferred, without paying a transfer fee, they may deduct points and fine the team. If an opposing team makes a complaint (within the correct time limit) the team will lose any points or be removed from the relevant cup. The team captain should know their signed players.
17. When requested, all cups and trophies must be returned to the committee (cleaned and polished). Any damage done to these must be replaced by the winning team or player.
18. Any player who puts derogatory remarks on social media (or deemed similar) about any committee/league member or gives verbal abuse, or openly attacks a member of the Committee verbally or physically, publicly or privately, or is found to write derogatory comments on social media or team groups, not only will be expelled from the pool league, but potentially this could result in the team that they play for being expelled also. Captains will also be held responsible. Your team, you signed them.
If a player has a grievance they have their Captain contact the secretary and in a professional manner air that grievance and ask that Cimmittee is made aware. Committee are committed to allowing a professionally worded grievance to be heard.
A player can then attend a meeting. (Some applications may need a returnable fee on success paid) suitable to both parties.
19. If a player or someone involved with Newry Pool is asked to attend a meeting and does not an automatic fine of £20 is levied.
Blackball Pool Rules Newry Pool League 2024/25
The Objective of the Game
The player or team potting their own group of object balls and legally potting the black wins the game.
Players do not need to nominate any of the shots they are about to play in blackball pool.
In standard games in Newry Pool League, there is no overall time limit but a shot time limit. This is set at 60 seconds, with the time keeper making the player aware when 30 seconds has passed.
Other competitions may have different shot times or even an overall time limit.
Lag and Break
Play begins when a break shot is played from baulk.
However, before breaking, it is necessary to determine which player executes the first break shot of a match.
It is the player winning the lag who will decide which player breaks.
In Newry team matches, whoever breaks first, the next games alternate even if the player who broke in the first game was not the winner of the lag. (They won lag but let their opponent break first game)
Prior to lagging a ball is placed on each side of baulk adjacent to, but not touching the side cushions.
The objective of opposing players is to play their ball to strike the opposite foot cushion before returning and coming to rest as close as possible to the baulk cushion.
The lag winner is the player whose ball comes closest to that baulk cushion.
A player may lose the lag if, for example, his or her ball strikes a side cushion or drops into a pocket.
The Rules of Breaking
The cue ball begins in hand.
That means it can be placed by the breaking player anywhere within the baulk area.
On breaking at least one group ball must be potted or two object balls cross the centre string.
That is a line joining the two centre pockets.
When two object balls fail to cross that line, and no group balls are potted, a standard foul is declared.
If the cue ball is potted or driven off the table, then that to is a foul.
Foul Break
If no balls are potted and two object balls do not pass over this line, then the oncoming player is awarded 'one free shot and one visit'.
The cue ball may then be played from where it lies or from baulk. Alternatively, the oncoming player may request a re-rack.
Any fouls on the break are ignored if the black ball is potted.
If that happens the object balls are always racked again and the same player breaks.
(As per A.G.M 2024 a trial in pairs and individuals (only) will allow a game to be claimed if the black is potted off the break and a game loss if white and black are potted off the break.)
Determining Groups
In this game players do not nominate their group of object balls.
At the start of a frame, before players’ groups have been determined, the table is said to be open.
The table is open after the break and remains open until a player pots a ball or balls from only one group in a normal legal shot.
The ball potted decides the group of that player. However, groups are not assigned if balls from both groups are potted on a shot, or on a free shot following a foul.
Continuing Play
A player remains at the table while continuing to play legal shots, or until the frame ends.
If a player does not pot any ball on a shot and no foul has been committed the incoming player plays the cue ball from its current position.
If a player commits a standard foul, play passes to the opposition.
The incoming player then takes a free shot before continuing with his or her visit to the table in the normal way. That is provided of course the player does not commit a foul in the course of taking that free shot.
In taking a free shot an incoming player may play the cue ball from the existing position on the table or choose to have the cue ball in hand. In which case the player plays the free shot from baulk.
When taking that free shot a player may, if he or she wishes, first strike or pot a ball or balls from the opponent’s group. On a free shot these are not considered fouls.
After a free shot play continues with a normal visit to the table.
Standard Fouls
There are a number of so-called standard fouls in the game of blackball.
This term distinguishes them from fouls which lead to the automatic loss of a frame.
All standard fouls result in the incoming player receiving a free shot.
On playing a normal shot it is a standard foul when an opponent’s group ball is struck first or if only an opponent’s group ball is potted.
However such play is not considered a foul if a player is taking a free shot.
When playing a free shot, after a foul has been awarded, a player may first strike or even pot a ball or balls from an opponent’s group or black.
During normal play, or when taking a free shot, it is a standard foul when….
* No balls contact a cushion after the cue ball strikes an object ball. That is unless an object ball is legally potted on that same shot. The exception to this rule is in attempting to escape a snooker. It is not then necessary to strike a cushion when a shot is played. Of course if a player fails to escape a snooker it is a foul.
* The cue ball is potted, or any balls leave the pool table. They must be returned to the table, and placed in accordance with official blackball rules before play continues.
* A player does not have a foot on the floor when the cue tip contacts the cue ball.
* Touching or moving the cue ball by hand. The exceptions being that the cue ball may be moved by hand prior to breaking or on a free shot when positioning/lifting the cue ball to or in baulk.
* A ball is accidentally touched during the course of a game (or caught as it goes down the pocket) by chalk, bridges or, for example, a player's hair or clothing.
* The cue tip contacts the cue ball more than once on a single shot.
* The cue tip is still touching the cue ball when the cue ball contacts an object ball.
* Tip to ball contact is prolonged beyond that seen in a normal shot. That constitutes a push shot.
* A shot is played while any balls are moving.
* A player unintentionally takes a shot out of turn.
If the referee feels that a player is playing too slowly he or she may be advised to speed up play.
If the player does not comply a foul could be called.
Combination Shots
In considering standard fouls it is important to understand the concept of a combination shot.
In normal continuing play, that is when not playing a free shot, a player may strike an object ball from his or her own group and then go on to legally pot balls from both groups in that same shot.
Note, the object ball struck first must be a player's own group ball, unless a free shot has been awarded.
When balls from both groups are potted in combination, it does not matter which balls fall into pockets first.
Combination shots can also be played involving the black ball. Of course on playing a shot in which the black is potted in combination with any other object ball, the frame is won only if no balls from a player’s own group remain on the table. Otherwise it’s loss of frame.
The term skill shot is also used to describe combinations.
Touching Ball
When a player plays a cue ball away from a touching object ball that cue ball is considered to have struck that object ball.
One consequence of this is that the cue ball need not subsequently contact another object ball when executing the shot. Though of course the other requirements of a legal shot must be met, such as striking a cushion.
It also follows that in playing away from a touching ball from his or her own group, the cue ball may then legally proceed to hit an opponent’s group ball. This is possible because the player is deemed to have first struck the touching object ball from his or her own group.
Loss Of Frame
Under certain circumstances, a player may automatically lose the frame.
This happens when a player...
* Pots the black ball on an illegal shot. For example on a push shot.
* Pots the black on a shot that leaves any of his or her group balls on the table.
* Intentionally strikes a ball which is not an ‘on’ ball.
* Deliberately touches or picks up a ball when not entitled to do so.
* Does not attempt to hit an ‘on’ ball.
* Bangs a cue which in turn results in the balls on the table moving.
* They fully break down their cue despite the opponent not finishing their shot.
In some games, a situation may occur when no legal shot is playable.
Whether this happens by accident or design it is a stalemate and the frame is restarted.
The referee will decide whether a legal shot is possible.
The original breaking player breaks again if a stalemate has been called.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Players should be aware that penalties will be imposed for conduct considered unsportsmanlike.
The referee might issue a warning, call a standard foul, declare a loss of frame, or the loss of a match.
Unsportsmanlike conduct is any intentional behaviour that brings the sport into disrepute or disrupts the game to such an extent that fair play is affected.
Such behaviour might include distracting an opponent, intentionally miscueing, marking the table, using equipment inappropriately or playing under the influence of drink or drugs, to the degree the person is clearly overly drunk.
This kind of conduct could result in ejection from a competition, loss of points, or even the forfeiture of prizes, trophies, and team competition points.
Cathal McCoy
Newry Pool League
Cup Games 2023/24
Only three AAA players can play in a cup. These players can play a maximum of 1 single and 1 pair but the pair partner must not be another AAA player.
Premier v First Division + 1
Premier v Second Division +2
Premier v Third Division + 2
Still 9 games - 3 singles - 3 Doubles- 3 singles
Premier (Team X)
Third Division (Team Y) +2
Team Y wins the first game they are 3 to nil up
Team X wins the second game the score is 3 to 1 for Team Y.
Team X wins the next two games ( 1 x single and 1 pair) the score is
3 each with five games ( 2 x pairs & 3 x singles) to play.
Players as you should know, the leagues will be the same as last season, with the top four playing off.
Team topping Division straight into Final
Team 4th will play the 3rd placed team and the winner plays the 2nd placed team to see who plays the 1st placed team on finals night.
Please note. No player can participate in the playoffs if they have not played in at least 3 league/cup games. As of the committee meeting on Thursday, Sept 7th anyone with new signings on a full sheet ( taking someone off and putting someone on, there is a fee of £10) Anyone transferring the same applies. £10 applies to anyone signing a player or transferring after the29th August 2024
Newry 9 Ball Rules
(Cals Rules)
To summarise- who breaks decided by toss or lag, then alternate.
Any colour ball can be potted but pocket nominated.
Black potted on break wins game.
It is NOT a foul if multiple balls are pocketed as long as a legal ball is pocketed in the pocket you nominated, even if that was not the ball struck by the white.
This includes the black, as long as when the black pots, that on the completion of the shot, no other balls (except white) remain on the table.
Eg One yellow and one red plus black are left. Top left pocket is nominated.
Player pockets both red and yellow (last two colours on table) and white travels to knock black into pocket. This is legal as long as one of the three balls is potted in any order, in the top left pocket.
Basics: Pot all balls and black on your last shot, to win.
1. Laurence McAlinden (Captain) (AAA)
2. Kieran McMahon (AAA)
3. Tristan Byrne (AAA)
4. Paul Morgan
5. Niall McVerry
6. MannyByrne AAA)
7. Martin Conroy
8. Marcel Kusa
9. Sean McArdle
10. Colin McCann
NO 7.
1. Kris Fletcher (Captain)
2. Kevin Lennon
3. Richard Fletcher
4. JP Lennon
5. Pat McClenaghan
6. Chris O'Hare
7. Francis Dinsdale
8. Simon Bradley
9. Amid El Sayed
1. Mark McSherry (Captain)
2. Jack Courtney (AAA)
3. Declan McMahon (AAA)
4. Kieran Hanna
5. Harvey Lavelle (AAA)
6. Tommy Mooney (AAA)
7. Barry McAllister
8. Paul Hughes
9. Paddy Beggs
1. Paul Taylor (Captain)
2. Ian Trimble
3. Philip Glass
4. Jack Beattie
5. Gary Cowan
6. Christopher Shields
7. Richie Taylor
8. Tomas Dooley
9. Daniel Carey
10. Daryl Hannon
1. Emmet Fearon (Captain)
2. Anthony Reynolds
3. Mark Shelvin
4. Shane McNamee
5. Kevin Kelly
6. Damian Kearney
7. John Daly
8. Terry Kane
9. Barry McManus
10. John Lindsay
1. Cathal McCoy (Captain)
2. Kevin Magee
3. Mark Curley
4. Eamon Farrell
5. Tucker Hughes
6. Jimmy McVerry
7. Seamus McVerry
8. Willie Brown (AAA)
9. Oran Keenan
10. Pat Brady (AAA)
1. Joe Poucher (Captain)
2. Karl McGuinness
3. Michael McClelland
4. Paul McKeown
5. Ronan O'Reilly
6. Darren Devlin
7. Matthew Cregan
8. Brian Devlin
9. Anthony Pentony
10. Shaun Bagnall
1. John Magee (Captain)
2. Brendan McCabe
3. Tiernan Casey
4. Caolan Marron
5. Shane McVerry
6. Declan Magee
7. Austin Galbraith
8. Micéal McCartney
9. Ryan Gray
10. Eugene McKibben
1. Michael McGuigan (Captain)
2. Paddy McLoughlin (AAA)
3. Ciaran Carr
4. Sean Meehan
5. Ruari O'Neill
6. Noel Vallely
7. Liam Turley
8. Ross Cleverdon
9. Gerry Finnegan
10. Marian Meehan
swap 11. Derek Dinsmore
swap12. Stephen Maguire
1. Paul Murphy (Captain)
2. Seamus Keenan
3. Garry Justin
4. Neil Heaney
5. Ralph Crummy
6. Juran Mohammed
7. Aaron O'Callaghan
8. Conor Heaney
1. Anthony Morgan
2. David Brennan
3. Martin Pollock
4. Raymond Loughran
5. Tommy Rooney
6. Paul Tuite
7. Stephen Noade
8. Emmett McParland (Captain)
9. Andrew Maudsley
10. Ian Magill
1. Shane Feehan (Captain)
2. Conor Dullaghan
3. Richie McGee
4. Paul Bruen
5. Ross Mulpeter
6. Cailim McParland
7. Frank McArdle
8. Eamon McCormick
9. Peter O'Hagan
10. Dylan Morgan
1. Gerard McAvoy (Captain)
2. Pearse Loughran
3. Jack Murtagh
4. Niall McQuillan
5. Giby Vettiankal
6. Robbie White
7. Colm Shields
8. Jim McMahon
9. Brendan Keenan
1. Paul McAreavy
2. Noel Bradley
3. Damien McArdle
4. Daniel McGuigan
5. Steven Galbraith
6. Pat Byrne
7. Damien Flanaghan
8. Adrian O'Hagan
9. Gerald McGuigan
10. Liam Bradley
1. Collie McCann
2. Shane McCann
3. Gareth Treanor
4. Aidan Griffin (Captain)
5. Sean Pentony
6. Sean Hughes
7. Shane Durnin
8. James Delahunt
9. Anthony O'Hanlon
1. Patrick Crimmins (Captain)
2. Micéal Mackey
3. Ben McClorey
4. Mark Smyth
5. Paddy Smith
6. Garry Boyle
7. Barry Boyle
8. Raymond Flynn
9. Mark Trainor
10. Willie Andrews
1. Matthew Cameron (Captain)
2. Dominic Donnelly
3. Peter Donnelly
4. Niall Collins
5. Niall O'Hare
6. Jack Murphy
7. John Mackin
8. John Matthews
9. Darren Mackin
10. Tony McGuinness
1. Ruairi White
2. Hugh McGrath
3. Paul Campbell
4. Shea Campbell
5. Kevin Morrisey
6. John Allen
7. Chris Cunningham
8. Kieran Loughran
9. Aidan Donnelly
10. Martin Allen
1. Stephen Sherry (Captain)
2. Malachy Maguire
3. Leigh McAlinden
4. Mark Maguire
5. Mark Pentony
6. Jimmy O'Hare
7. Andrew Chan
8. Ronnie Poucher
9. Gerard Poucher
10. Jason McClorey
1. Peter Wyne
2. James McKey
3. Cormac O'Hanlon
4. Joe Dunne
5. Lorcan Murtagh
6. Mark Hillard
7. Paddy Farrell
8. Jason McCormack
9. Eamon O'Boyle
10. Shane Holland
1. Mark McElherron
2. Yozzer Hughes
3. Joe Devlin
4. Frank Parr
5. Eamon Magee
6. Jay Johnstom
7. Liam Kelly
8. Cailum Magee
9. Neil McGuigan
10. Gabriel Larmour
1. Callum McParland
2. Martin O'Callaghan
3. Gavin Malone
4. Joseph McTaggart (Captain)
5. Jason Finnegan
6. Paddy Lavelle
7. Seamus Toner
8. Mickey O'Hanlon
9. Sean James McTaggart
10. Jonny Smith
1. Ciaran Hughes
2. Kim Torley
3. Ashley Hunter
4. Brian Kerr (Captain)
5. Mark Doherty
6. Mark Hughes
7. Jamie McGuiness
8. Ryan McSorley
9. Sheridan Brady
1. Adam Rowntree
2. Chris McCormack
3. Lorcan McArdle
4. Sean Anderson
5. Harrison McQuillan
6. Emmett Duprey
7. Charlie Fearon
8. Caolan O'Connor
9. Barry Harte
10. Barry Devlin
1. Shane Murphy
2. Kevin Crilly
3. Tiarnan Johnston
4. Mao
5. Sheila Johnston
6. Kevin Hamill
7. Caolan McCann
8. Clive Whelan
9. Pat Quinn (Captain)
10. Louise Buchanon
1. John Patrick Darragh
2. Evan McGuinness
3. Aodhan Gorman
4. Adam Hynds
5. Eddie Heaney
6. Adrian Holman (Captain)
7. Mark Byrne
8. Caolan Finnegan
9. Paddy Heaney
10. Joe Byrne
1. Callum Williams
2. Conor White
3. Lee O'Hare
4. Sean O'Hare
5. Shea Carragher
6. Micéal Gorman
7. Ethan Keenan
8. Owen Ryan
Trainors A
1. Paddy Tavey AAA
2. Seamus McVerry
3. Collie McCann
4. Jimmy McVerry
5. Oran Keenan
6. Neale McCauley AAA
7. Seany Mc Ardle
8. Drew Maudsley
9. James O'Hagan
10. Noel Meara AAA
Trainors Bar
1. Kieran Hanna
2. Jack Courtney AAA
3. Tommy Mooney AAA
4. Declan McMahon AAA
5. Declan McConville AAA
6. Mark McSherry
7. Paul Hughes
8. Barry McAllister
9. Mark Trainor
10. Bernie Magee
1. Cathal McCoy
2. Thomas Hughes
3. Sean Murray
4. Kevin Magee
5. Mark Curley
6. Eamon Farrell
7. Darren Devlin
8. Duirmuid Lonergan
9. Gavin McArdle AAA
10. Colin Gribbon
Different Strokes
1. Pat Brady AAA
2. Declan Brady
3. Stephen Rooney
4. Paddy Clarke AAA
5. Willie Brown AAA
6. Gavin Doran AAA
7. Stephen Gorham
8. Glen Duffy
9. Chris Cork- Tadgh Meehan 12/10
10. Brian Maguire
1. Liam Bradley
2. Larry McAlinden AAA
3. Kieran McMahon AAA
4. Declan Byrne AAA
5. Tristan Byrne AAA
6. Gary Connolly
7. Marty Conroy
8. Paul Morgan
9. Richie Comiskey AAA
10. Niall McVerry
Nan Rices
1. Joe Poucher
2. Mary Cunningham
3. Shane Shields
5. Yasir
6. Michael McClelland
7. Philip Murphy
8. Caolan Holland/Marron
9. Dylan Morgan
10. Karl McGuiness
The Bears
1. Paul Murphy
2. Seamus Keenan
3. Gary Powell
4. Neil Heaney
5. Adrian Holman
6. Ralph Crummy
7. Eugene McDermott
8. Aaronn O.Callaghan
9. Conor Heaney
10. Edmund Heaney
Quarter Bar
1. Paul Kelly AAA
2. Harvey Lavelle AAA
3. Jamie Lavelle (C)
4. Colin Quinn
5. James Toner
6. Daniel Clarke AAA
7. Tommy Lavelle
8. Marty McVeigh
9. Johnny McCreesh
10. Declan Duff AAA
Division One
1. Colm Shields
2. Brendan Keenan
3 Giby Vittiankel
4. Gerard McAvoy
5. Jim McMahon
6. Robbie White
7. Jack Murtagh
8. Pearse Loughran
9. Damian Dixon
10. Niall McQuillan
St. Monnina A
1. Mark Shevlin
2. Paddy Hughes
3. Tom Magennis
4. Damien Kearney
5. Glenn McShane
6. Mickey Teggart
7. Shea McQuaid
8. Paddy McCann
9. John Mathews
10. Lorna Durkan
Seasiders A
1. Michael McGuigan
2. Neil McGuigan
3. Paul McNulty
4. Sean Meehan
5. Ciaran Carr
6. Tommy Magee
7. Callum Magee
8. Paddy McLaughlin AAA
9. Ross Cleverdon
10. Ruairi O'Neill
No. 7
1. Kris Fletcher
2. Richard Fletcher
3. Kevin Lennon
4. J.P Lennon
5. Henry McLoughlin
6. Simon Bradley
7. Francie Dinsdale
8. Chris O'Hare
9. Pat McClenaghan - from Nan Rices
Bosco A
1. John Magee
2. Declan Magee
3. Ben McClorey
4. Shane McVerry
5. Stephen Galbraith
6. James Clarke
7. Brendan McCabe
8. Micheal McArdle
9. Daryl Hannan
10. Paddy Smith
1. Micky O'Hanlon
2. Gavin Malone
3. Gareth McCann
4. Martin O'Callaghan
5. Jokie McTaggart
6. Sheamus Toner
7. Brian O'Neill/ Shane Phelan
8. Jason Gorman
9. Conor Reavey
10. Joe McClelland- Alan Burke
Granvue A
1. Richie McGee
2. Conor Dullughan
3. Shane Feehan
4. Alan Sharkey
5. Eamonn McCormick
6. Eamonn O'Boyle
7. Paul Bruen
8. Peter McCourt
9. Shane Holland
10. Frank McArdle
Port Bar
1. Paul Taylor
2. Richie Taylor
3. Daniel Carey
4. Ian Trimble
5. Ronald Sterritt
6. Philip Glass
7. Gary Cowan
8. Daniel Rogers
9. Stuart Cully
10. Jack Beattie
Division Two
1. Gerard McGuigan
2. Paul McArevy
3. Pat Byrne
4. Damian McArdle
5. Daniel McGuigan
6. Dusty O'Hagan
7. Tommy O.Hanlon
8. Damian Flanagan
9. Noel Bradley
10. Mike McArdle
Dromintee A
1. John Daly
2. John Linsey
3. Kenny Barry
4. Anthony Reynolds
5. Kevin Kelly
6. Micael Burns
7. Shane McNamee
8. Terry Kane
9. Emmet Fearon
10. Barry McManus
Trainors B
1. Miceal Markey
2. Raymond Flynn
3. Paul McAllister
4. Cailim McParland
5. David Doran
6. Patrick Kimmins capt
6. Paddy Briggs
7. Sean OCallaghan
8. Tom Trainor
9. Ryan Carragher
10. Gerard Grogan
Seasiders B
1. Mark McElherron
2. Liam Kelly
3. Kieran Rice
4. Declan O'Neill
5. Eunan McShane
6. Joe Devlin
7. Philip Devlin
8. Eamon Magee
9. Jay Johnston
10 Michael Lee
Duke Street
1 Ciaran Hughes
2. Mark Hughes
3. Kim Torley
4. Jamie Young
5. Ryan McSorley
6. Ashley Hunter
7. Dermot Fegan
8. Tristan Downey
9. Jamie Mc Ginnis
1. Emmett McParland
2. Davy Brennan
3. Tommy Rooney
4. Liam Turley*
5. Martin Pollock
6. Willie Andrews
7. Anthony Morgan
8. Raymie Loughran
9. Gareth Trainor
10. Tiarnan Casey
1. Sean Markey
2. Micky Cunningham
3. Barry Duffy
4. Yogi Markey
5. Gwyn Trainor
6. Reggie McConville
7. Simon Savage
Nans Rams
1. Stephen Sherry
2. Malachy Maguire
3. Mark Maguire
4. Jimmy O'Hare
5. Pat McClenaghan - transferred No7
6. Andrew Chan
7. Leigh McAlinden
8. Ronnie Poucher
9. Mark Pentony
10. Martin Reavey
Division Three
Nifty Fiftys
1. Aidan Griffin
2. Anthony O'Hanlon
3. Colly McCann
4. Shane Durnin
5. S Pentony- taken out Robbie McParland
6. Barney O'Connor
7. James Delahunt
8. Gary Boyle
9 Barry Boyle
10. Terry Phoenix
Monnina B
Cathal this is St monninas b new team
John mackin
Darren Mackin
Cormac Donnelly
Dominic Donnelly
Pete Donnelly capt
Mathew cameron
Niall ohare
Niall Collins
Mark callen
Tony mcguinness
Jack Murphy
1. Peter Donnelly
2. John Mackin
3. Darren Mackin
4. Dominick Donnelly
5. Matthew Cameron
6 Jack Murphy
7. Tony Magennis
8. Cormac Donnelly
9. Mark Callen
10. Liam Ferris*
11. Glenn McArdle - 1 needs removed
Dromintee B
1. Kieran Larkin
2. Brian Larkin
3. Colin McCoy
4. Brendan McCoy
5. Pete McKenna
6. Luke Reynolds
7. Sean Og Hoey
8. Brian Harte
9. Aodhan Mullan
10.Caolan McCann
Newry Foresters
1. John Allen
2. Hugh McGrath
3. Ruairi White
4. Paul Campbell
5. Aidan Donnelly
6. Jimmy Magee
7. Chris Cunningham
8. Shea Campbell
9. Kevin Morrissey
10. Feargal McEvoy
Newry City
1. Gerard Magee
2. Sean Downey
3. Joshua McCormack
4. Adam O'Gorman
5. Lee Taylor
6. Gary Wilson - Brian Jones
7. James Winton
8. Sean Green
9. Marty McParland
10. Mo Flynn
Indo A
1. Peter Cahill
2. Mark Cahill
3. Colm Cahill
4. Fran Kearns
5. David O'Brien
6. David Heaney
7. Steven Quinn
Granvue B
1. Paddy Farrell
2. Peter Wynne
3. Niall Clarke
4. Lorcan Murtagh
5. James McKay
6. Joe Dunne
6 Cormac Ohanlon
7. Jason McCormack
8. Jack McCoy
9. Mark Hilliard
10. Jordan Traynor
Murphys Meigh
1. Pat Quinn
2. Clive Whelan
3. Stephen Murphy
4. Dylan McAteer
5. Sheila Johnston
6. Kevin Crilly
7. Sean O'Hare
8. Kieth Doran
9. Paddy McCann *
10 Mo zen