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Vadio Pairs Team Competition. 

Start at 8 pm
All matches 9 games (first to 5). 
All games are doubles, ( pairs) players can talk to each other.
12 minutes per game by clock - 1 minute rule applies.- no triple AAA player can play more than 2 times, non triple AAA no more than 3 times. No player can play with same partner more than once. 

Lag once at start but if 12 minute timer goes on a game it is a lag to see who has a choice on the black.


  Newry 9 Ball Rules

                    (Cals Rules) 


  1. Balls are placed in any order in the shape of a diamond with black in centre and on black spot.
  2. Aim of game is to pot the Black after all 8 colours (red or yellow) balls are potted, in any order but in nominated pockets (if not obvious) on each shot.
  3. Toss for break (lag if preferred)- in matches, alternate after. 
  4. Break anywhere behind the line.
  5. Golden break (Black potted off break) wins 
  6. Thirty second shot clock.
  7. A ball must hit a cushion after striking an ‘on’ ball unless totalled.
  8. Any foul results in ball in hand (placed anywhere on table)for your opponent
  9. Ball off table (any colours or black included) replaced on black spot or in line as close to black spot and nearest cushion, as possible. (Ball in hand for opponent)
  10. Black accidentally potted before all colours (not including golden break) are potted, is replaced on black spot- opponent ball in hand. 


To summarise- who breaks decided by toss or lag, then alternate.

Any colour ball can be potted but pocket nominated.

Black potted on break wins game. 



It is NOT a foul if multiple balls are pocketed as long as a legal ball is pocketed in the pocket you nominated, even if that was not the ball struck by the white. 

This includes the black, as long as when the black pots, that on the completion of the shot, no other balls (except white) remain on the table. 

Eg  One yellow and one red plus black are left. Top left pocket is nominated. 

Player pockets both red and yellow (last two colours on table) and white travels to knock black into pocket. This is legal as long as one of the three balls is potted in any order, in the top left pocket. 


Basics: Pot all balls and black on your last shot, to win.