Individual Post

Post Date : 27 Nov 2017 10:36 AM
Forest Drive Dumping Causes Fury

Sinn Féin Councillor Mickey Larkin has condemned extensive dumping which has occurred on the slopes of Slieve Gullion mountain after car parts and scores of tyres had been dumped along several hundred metres of the forest drive. 

The local elected representative said 
"The community is furious that the beauty of South Armagh has been sullied by those who take no pride in what is the Jewel in the Crown of this district. This is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is recognised across the world as such. The Council has spent large sums of rate payer’s money to enhance and develop Slieve Gullion as a tourist destination. Much work has been undertaken by the Ring of Gullion Landscape Partnership to preserve the flora and fauna of the area. 
Many projects to increase the use of the mountain for health and sporting activities have seen thousands flock to the courtyard, play park and outside gym.  'Disgraceful' is a word used by one resident I spoke to in relation to the waste illegally dumped on the mountain. There are many other words I could use to describe those that carried this out, however I would plead with them to end this desecration and use the facilities provided by the Council to dispose of their waste." 
Commenting on the dumping, Megan Fearon MLA again raised the need for end to end traceability for tyres. "Sinn Féin has called for systems to be created which will trace tyres from the moment of manufacture through to their disposal at end of life. This would ensure that all tyres can be identified when disposed of and would greatly help with the fight against fly tippers who have no regard for either the environment or the residents of South Armagh. I have no doubt that the business which dumped this waste has most likely already charged their customers for the correct disposal of these tyres. Profiting twice whilst destroying the countryside is not an honourable way to make a living."